Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quick Question

 Alright guys, so as of recently I've been reading a lot and some of the books I read are later turned into movies and such and I basically was just curious if you guys out there have a preference as to which you prefer, reading the book or seeing the movie based on the book? Me personally I enjoy reading the book because of the details and the picture it imposes in my head, yes movies obviously physically you can see it but via books you can understand the Characters feelings on certain situations and understand more about them. But yeah i'm just curious. Thanks for reading.

Side note: I put a couple of pictures of Movies that were based on Books.



  1. Yup, definitely enjoy reading the book first more :D

  2. It's hard to find a lot of movies that are based on books that are actually good. I usually like it the other way around with books being better than movies

  3. I always prefer the book over the movie, but I enjoy both.

  4. Usually the book but here's an odd one.
    I saw No Country for Old Men in the cinema before reading it. The air of wtf? at the end was palpable and I stormed out of the theatre in a rage at the film.
    Then I read the book. Adored it.
    Watched the film again and went 'ahhhh! This IS a damn good movie'.

    That is all.

  5. as I heard, most movies that are based on books are worse than the books, except The Lord of the Rings. So I'd recommend to read the book and then watch the movie. You may end up disappointed, but you'll appreciate it more, i think

  6. definitely reading the book is better yet sometimes I don´t have time :( in other hand movies make it more interesting sometimes, for example in LoTR they took out the part of Tom Bombadil which to me was BORING!

  7. Hmm well imo, Lord of the Ring's movie was waaay better than the book >_>

  8. The book is always better! But if you don't read the book and go watch the movie, you would never know the difference! :P

  9. We need to keep reading. Within 20 or so years, nobody will remember how, and those few lingers to the old ways will rule the wasteland. So mote it be.

  10. books are awesome! they inspire many

  11. I never read! Reading = evil!!!

    But I think the 2 movies you posted, the lord of the rings trilogy and the godfather movies are absolutely EPIC!

  12. Books ruin movies. You can't enjoy a movie about a book if it differs wildly from your preconceived notion about the characters.

  13. I would rather watch the movies...my attention span can't last a whole book

  14. Read Lord of the rings 1 and 2 and stopped DAMN BOOKS ARE BORING AS HELL MAN. I dont care much for the stone in the trail that looks like a fish and the ensuing song on said stone, now imagine like 150 pages of songs and babble out of the 500, doesnt seem much? READ IT AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND!!! i loved the movies i disliked the books. the Godfather well i havent read those books so i cant say but im betting the books are better than the movie.

  15. I enjoy watching movies, but if I've read the book it's gonna be disappointing.

  16. no preference as long as theyre good

  17. Book is better as story is always more involved.

  18. Interesting where all the good stories are from.

  19. i like to to do both. first read the book, then watch the movie.

  20. Book and if friend's drag me along I'll go see the movie.

  21. I read books with a pretty good imagination so I have an idea of what is going on as I'm reading. When i watch the movie adaptations I just add to the imaginations I have when I read the book, making the world a little more rich.

  22. The book is almost always better - unless it's the book of the movie. I read 'Spaceballs' before I saw the movie. It didn't make any sense.

  23. Quick answer.

    And congrats on 200 followers!

  24. I much prefer reading the books.. Watching the movie is just a bonus.
