Friday, April 22, 2011

Crazy days.

Alright so whats up guys? Feels like its been a long time since I last blogged. Anyways, my mom is currently in the middle of a messy break up so I've been helping her move her stuff and its taking up a lot of my time. Anyways, ill be posting a daily blog again starting Monday. Sorry for the wait guys. My mom really needed my help though, and family > Blogging, ya know? :P Anyways thanks for the support guys. Be safe. As always,


  1. dont worry i think we all follow the same major rule:

    moms before blogs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Definitely family comes first. Hope it all works out.

  4. Definitely help your mom out. Good luck bro.

  5. that sucks, hope she is fine.

  6. Its nice of you to support your mom despite the circumstances. Dealing with something extremely similar myself. While it may be painful to see what shes going through, this is one of those times that really makes you a man.

  7. Hey whats up? I'm about to shamelessly plug my corny blog featuring completely original comics about all sorts of things! From me complaining to me being melodramatic, you'll love some of it, I promise but can't guarantee!
